CT Face & Body

Say Goodbye to Unsightly Cellulite!

February 28, 2024

It happens to many women at some point in their lives — and they don’t like it. Their once-smooth skin has become lumpy and dimpled in areas from cellulite. Although cellulite is not a serious medical condition, it may cause you embarrassment. But the good news is that there are things you can do for it.

At Valhalla Wellness & Medical Centers, our trained professionals understand how cellulite can make a person feel self-conscious and embarrassed in a variety of situations. Count on us to treat your problem in a gentle and discreet manner.

But why does cellulite happen in the first place? There are multiple reasons. Genetics, fluctuations in weight, a high-carb diet, and pregnancy are just a few of the factors that can contribute to the onset of cellulite. Simply being a female is another, as approximately 90 percent of women worldwide are impacted. Cellulite typically appears on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.

Dedicated to…a better you!

At Valhalla Wellness & Medical Centers, we can effectively treat cellulite with a process known as electro body sculpting. This non-invasive procedure is designed to help you lose inches and improve the elasticity of your skin. The treatment stimulates the nerve endings of the muscles, causing them to burn fat. Best of all: it offers quick results! For more information on electro body sculpting and the many other services we offer, give us a call today.

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